Sunday, 27 January 2013


i generally like a lot of different types of music, however i mostly only listen to taylor swift and nicki minaj. most people do not prefer ms. minaj's music, but for some reason i just do. and i just like taylor swift because, well, everyone loves taylor swift. i also enjoy music from lights, although she is not a very popular artist. check her out or something if you want your life to be more awesome. i get asked a lot what my favourite song is, and each time im completely clueless. probably because i have a huge range in what music i like to listen to. like one moment im listening to nicki minaj's starships, then im rockin out to enchanted by taylor swift. two completely different songs. it mostly depends in what mood im in. for example, if im feeling tired, its probably gonna be taylor swift. if i feel in a happy party mood, its gonna be nicki. and for me, lights is just a in between mood. anyways thats all i have to say on the subject of music, but it would be appreciated if you comment your favourite song or artist. i wanna see what people are into nowadaysss 
k bai

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