Tuesday, 29 January 2013


i do enjoy watching all sorts of different sports on tv, but when it comes to actually playing these sports i personally enjoy soccer and basketball the most. and i bet there are a lot of non-soccer or basketball players reading this and thinking "oh well i think hockey (or something) is the best sport and robot honeybadger is wrong! how dare the robot honeybadger think other than my opinion!" well, just to save you some time, i do not care. anyways, back to soccer/basketball. i think soccer is my personal favourite because A) ive been playing it for about 8 years and B) because it is an international sport. literally anyone in the world can play it, whereas in hockey or skating, you need to have skates, an ice rink, and a good sense of balance. you get my point? anyways i also like basketball simply because its fun. dont worry i know im very descriptive on that subject. k bai

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